Preschool Prep
Ladybug Class
2-3 years old
Welcome to Preschool Prep, also known as the Ladybugs! Mobile, energetic two year olds enjoys the entire world as their playground. FOTF has put together a unique educational approach that focuses their enthusiasm into opportunities for development, growth, and achievement.
Our Preschool Prep Program includes:​
Different Approaches to Learning
Increasing independence through world exploration and problem-solving abilities.
Social-Emotional Development
Developing and understanding of their own emotions and their relationships with others, like family, friends, and community members, as well as understanding how to interact with others while developing self-awareness.
Physical Development
Our Ladybugs practice coordinating and controlling large and small muscle movements, while they build an understanding of health
and safety concepts.
Cognitive Development
We help them build an understanding of the world around them, while they practice thinking critically and creatively.
Language Development
Effective communication abilities are developing as these two year olds use sounds, expressions, body language, and eventually, oral and written language while responding to and understanding others.
Our Ladybugs also enjoy daily art and STEM activities and weekly music classes! We work closely with parents during our potty-training time. Wipes are also included in tuition.
All meals & snacks are provided by FOTF.
Our Procare Parent Engagement app is updated after each diaper change, meal and activity throughout the day. ​​
Young girl playing on a drum
Inside the FOTF daycare
Hand painting
Young girl playing on a drum